Crown Corn Chip with Modena Balsamic Vinegar

Korea Gets Too Experimental with This Bland Corn Chip.

Crown Corn Chip Modena Balsamic Vinegar

Name: Crown Corn Chip with Modena Balsamic Vinegar
Category: Corn Chip
Ethnicity: Korean
Brand: Crown

Korea has been impressing me with their corn chips as of recent. There have been a few that really stood out to me regarding seriously crunch textures and that amazing saltiness we all dig in a chip. Though Korea has set the standard with their world famous shrimp chips, some other snacks just don't hit the mark. I was thoroughly let down with these Corn Chips with Modena Balsamic Vinegar by Crown. These corn chips were straight-up stale, bland and pretty much lacked the kick that so many Korean chips bring to the table. Each soft chip is boring at first with no corn flavor. Following that up is a little sweetness from the corn which is a little pleasant. But these chips aren't salty at all. The worst part is that they have absolutely no Balsamic flavor whatsoever. I'm even confused about why this flavor even exists. Koreans don't use balsamic vinegar ever. It is a foreign ingredient to them, which is totally fine. Countries surrounding the Mediterranean do incredible things with balsamic vinegar and I respect that (Shout out to Modena, Italia). But this ingredient has no place in this chip. It's also funny that they name drop "Modena" as the style of Balsamic, which packs no punch at all. What Koreans need to focus on are the flavors that people know and have grown to love. I have faith in Korean chips, trust me. Just don't start with this one as it is just a silly snack. This snack will make my next shrimp chip that much more mind-blowing.

Mmmm shrimp chip...

Rating: C (Experimentation is Critical. But Make Sure to Hit the Mark.)

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John Mazur

Ethnic food is a serious passion of mine. I have developed a brand new site that focuses on sampling, critiquing, and enjoying brand new foods and snacks from around the world. My mission is to show the world that global foods should be shared, experienced, and cherished by everyone.