
Johnny Mazur - Creator & Show Runner

Johnny Mazur is the creator and head writer of Foreign Feast and a fanatical student of global cuisine. From a very young age, Johnny has had a deep fascination of foods that were out of the ordinary. With his passion for worldly cuisine getting more serious, Johnny realized that the critical bond between food and culture needed to be further explored. Foreign Feast has become an outlet to analyze the exciting flavors and tastes of food and drink not normally considered popular by mainstream America. Johnny's reviews provide a brief glimpse into the cultures behind the countries that have proudly made each product. When Johnny is not managing a wholesale bakery, he is exploring New York and New Jersey's endless food scenes in search exciting new foods and flavors. He is dedicated to sharing his findings with the world and hopes to help influence people to leave their comfort zones and try some new cuisine. Bon appétit and welcome!

Fave Asian Breakfast: Rice, raw egg, rice seasoning, natto
Weirdest Thing Eaten: Your Mother’s Baked Christmas
Greatest Cooking Music: Bee Gees
Culinary Hero: Zimmern.
Best Korean Beer: Kloud, all day.


Ashley Hrycyshyn - Designer & Producer

When Johnny cannot create something for Foreign Feast, Ashley is there to save the day. Ashley has worked in the graphic design industry for over ten years producing media of endless styles and categories. This Seattle native brings to Foreign Feast a seriously powerful creative spirit for design, innovation and a grand passion for food. When not creating incredible works of art for her clients, Ashley is madly cooking creative dishes to share with her friends and family. She is also the team’s only bread maker and her skills are envied by the whole team. Oddly enough, Ashley cannot follow a recipe and performs all measurements from the heart. 

Tastiest Cuisine: Chinese (A Cuisine of Their Own)
Best Food Show: Mind of a Chef
Favorite Hometown Restaurant: The Lark in Seattle, WA
Least Favorite Snack: Popcorn
Ultimate Hangover Food: Ginger Cayenne Shot + NJ Breakfast Sandwich

Rob Guizio

Rob Guizio - Editor

Rob is a NYC-based writer whose eyes are almost always bigger than his stomach. Luckily, he has convinced himself that calories do not count when sampling new and unusual foods from around the world. Rob brings serious editorial skills to the world of Foreign Feast. Rob helps refine, polish and enhance the presentation of funky food information to all the FF fans.In between meals, you can find Rob playing music at high volume, listening to podcasts about terrible movies, and working furiously to meet freelance deadlines.

Favorite Cuisine: Northern Italian
Weirdest Thing Eaten: Cow Testicles
Best Hangover Food: The Highlander (Sriracha Scotch Egg) + Candied Bacon
Most Appetizing Movie Scene: The Strudel Scene from Inglorious Basterds
Best Music to Cook To: Bee Gees (Different Era than John)


Sarah Lucas - Project Manager / Pantry Inventory

Part Pennsylvanian, part mad scientist and full-time animal lover, Sarah joins our team as a project manager and organizer of new Foreign Feast segments. When she isn't petting puppies and surveying the NJ real estate market, Sarah is scouting out new restaurants, ethnic food strongholds, and import stores for the team to explore! Sarah also stores and categorizes all foods for review; she hasn't seen her kitchen table in months. 

True Pennsylvanian Delicacies: Kowalonek's Kielbasy and Cold Yuengling
Best Meal Ever: A Indian Smorgasboard at Dishoom in London
Perfect Food to Eat While Knitting: Air Sandwiches
Best Movie Snack: Popcorn and Sour Patch Kids, no question.  
Taco Bell or White Castle: Taco Bell, Seriously?! 


Lauren Solomon - Producer and Director/Choreographer

Laurie is a dreamer, motivator and leader when it comes to producing site content and thinking of fascinating ideas to pursue for Foreign Feast. She is inspired by Johnny's funky food visions and helps bring them to life. She helps organize and breakdown Foreign Feast media so that the world can further understand the power of new and exciting foods.

Favorite World Cuisine: Indian
Weirdest Thing Eaten: Ant Larva
My Culinary Hero: Dave Thomas
Best Hangover Food: Bacon, Egg & Waffle Sandwich from Red Eye Cafe
Favorite Music to Listen to While Other People Cook: Anything from the 80's